I recently started a blog on estate planning. If you are interested in viewing it, click on https://leighhilton.wordpress.com/. I am still amazed at all the different things that can be done on the internet.
So many things have changed in my lifetime already. I remember when computers started being used for personal business. In the 1980’s, I was trying to teach my mother how to use a computer. She kept wanting to know how it worked. I told her it doesn’t matter how it works. Just trust that it does work. When the internet started to be used, I understood why she wanted to know how it worked. I took a class to teach me how the internet worked. I learned what http and www stood for and the basics of how it worked. I realize now that all I needed to know is that it worked.
When I have grandchildren, I will be able to tell them about these changes. Hopefully, they will be interested.
I met with a client this week who has new puzzles for me everytime we meet. I enjoy trying to figure them out. On page 4 of this newsletter, I have put one of these word puzzles. If you can figure it out, I will send you a prize. See Page 4 for details. Thanks Bill for helping to exercise my brain. Hopefully, it will keep me sharp.
Check out the articles by clicking on the links below.
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Monday: 8:30am - 5pmTuesday: 8:30am - 5pm
Wednesday: 8:30am - 5pm
Thursday: 8:30am - 5pm
Friday: 8:30am - 5pm